Jail Road, Shadman 1 G.O.R. - I, Lahore, Punjab 54000 (042) 99203449

Introduction of Dr.Naima Khursheed

Dr. Naima Khursheed joined this institution as a Principal when its reputation as well as students were dwindling in the midst of a period of instability and uncertainty. Her drive and vision ensured that the College entered a period of stable leadership and clear strategic focus with which we have been blessed for the past one year. She has served with exceptional distinction. Dr. Naima Khursheed has led the college with extraordinary application and energy. Her focus has never been distracted from pursuing standards of excellence for students in every aspect of life: academic, recreational and communal. Her vision has been comprehensively informed by the notion of APWA as foremost a family, a tightly knit community of students, teachers and parents. Her educational planning, and its implementation, has never strayed from this conception.

Throughout the year,she has displayed her own enjoyment of diverse aspects of the APWA community, celebrating with students their accomplishments and achievements in the classroom, on the sporting arenas and in the performing arts. She has been both leader and mentor, and a great supporter of countless student activities. Principally, too, Dr. Naima Khursheed has understood the human complexities that drive a college, and has sought to embed in the daily routines of college life, APWA’s conviction that a broader social awareness and community engagement is central to our ethos. New educational programs have always been undertaken with a view to APWA sending out into the world thoughtful and well-rounded individuals.

She has stayed true to the commitment that the purpose of education is to develop the whole person and to connect with family and community in the long-term, and influence the educational community. She has helped build the present excellent operational framework for the Masters’ as well as B.S programme.It is a step in the right direction that will benefit the community immensely. Kudos to the foresightedness of Dr. Naima Khursheed.

History of APWA

The acronym APWA stands for All Pakistan Women’s Association. It was founded in 1949 by Begum Ra'anaLiaquat Ali Khan, a famous activist for women’s rights, who had said that the role of women is no less important than that of men. Initially APWA was formed to handle the refugee crisis in the newly independent Pakistan after the 1947 partition of British India.

APWA College for Women was established in 1958 by this Association with the explicit purpose of educating and grooming the female population. Initially it was a private entity. In 1972 this institution was nationalized. Bachelors of Science (B.Sc.) was started in 1992 and ICS in 2000.Currently this institution is catering to the needs of ordinary people by offering Bachelor’s degree in Commerce education and Master’s degree in the subjects of English, Urdu,Economics and Psychology.?

At APWA we try our best to inculcate the universal values of attentiveness and discernment.

Attentive to our experiences and to our vocation:

Once we develop the habit of being attentive, we can begin to discern what is good for us and what is not; and follow the path laid down by Allah Almighty.

Compassionate and loving:

At APWA we try our level best to create an atmosphere which is conducive to learning and compassionate towards others, near and far, especially the less fortunate; and loving by just actions and forgiving words.

Faith-filled and Hopeful :

Faith-filled in beliefs and hopeful for the future.

Our faith in the Creator of the universe makes us strong enough to face the rigours of college life.

Eloquent and Truthful:

Eloquent and Truthful in what we say.

  • Eloquence is to choose sagaciously the words to express oneself.
  • Truthfulness might be hard to practice in these times of competitiveness but it is a virtue that saves us from follies.

Curious and Active:

Curious about everything; and active in bringing about a change for the better.

  • Be curious, ask questions and look for signs of Allah Almighty and learn from surroundings.


Intentional in the way we decide to live and use the resources of the earth, guided by morality

  • Being intentional in the way of advancing and building a better quality of life. Activity can easily become the distraction of being busy. Using wisdom and discernment, we can live our lives more fruitfully – getting the balance right; living in the present moment rather than in the unchangeable past or an unknown future.

Grateful and Generous

Students in our institution are taught to be: Grateful for their own gifts, for the gift of other people, and for the blessings of our Creator; and generous with their gifts, now and in the future.

  • Encouraging them to know and be grateful for all their gifts, developing them to the full so that they can be generous in the service of others.

Learned and Wise

Learned, using learning in all things; and wise in the ways we use learning for the common good.

  • By the breadth and depth of the curriculum; by excellence of teaching, and the creation of opportunities to become more learned and wise.